“Y su señor le dijo: Bien, buen siervo y fiel; sobre poco has sido fiel, sobre mucho te pondré; entra en el gozo de tu señor”.
Mateo 25:21

Dalia Tapia
Con profundo dolor en nuestros corazones, anunciamos que nuestra hermana Dalia Tapia, esposa del Pastor German Tapia, pasó a la presencia de su Salvador nuestro Señor Jesús. En nuestra Convencion de Iglesias Bautistas Hispanas estaremos orando por el Pastor Germán y familia para que Dios los fortalezca en estos momentos difíciles.

pastor José tirado
“He peleado la buena batalla, he acabado la carrera, he guardado la fe. Por lo demás, me está guardada la corona de justicia, la cual me dará el Señor, juez justo, en aquel día; y no sólo a mí, sino también a todos los que aman su venida”. 2 Timoteo 4: 7-8
El querido Pastor José Tirado pasó a la presencia del Señor el 15 de febrero, 2021.
Nuestras oraciones de consuelo y fortaleza están con la hermana Elena Tirado, hijos y familia.

Pastor Luis zurita
Due to the COVID Pandemic we are not able to have a public funeral service for our father, Luis E. Zurita. He passed away on Saturday, May 9th of advance Alzheimer’s disease. In lieu of flowers, the family is asking to donate via the following. We hope to have a public memorial service in the near future.

Dr. y Rev. Raúl Sandoval Quezada
Visitación y Servicio Memorial:
Martes 19 de Febrero 2019
Chaffey Communities Cultural Center
525 W 18th St, Upland, CA 91784
4:00 P.M. a 6:00 P.M. Visitacion con la familia
6:00 a 8:00 P.M. Servicio Memorial
Miércoles 20 de Febrero 2019
11:00 A.M.
Forest Lawn Covina Hills
21300 E. Via Verde Dr., Covina CA. 91724
Teléfono: 888-204-3131

Mirtala Galindo
Pastores, hermanos y amigos de nuestra Convención de Iglesias Bautista Hispanas, con profundo dolor, les informamos que nuestra querida hermana Mirtala Galindo, ha pasado a la presencia del Señor. Nuestra oración es que Dios fortalezca a la familia doliente por esta enorme pérdida.
La hermana Galindo fue una gran líder en nuestra Convención: Presidenta de la Unión Bautista de Mujeres, Centro Bautista para la Comunidad y una excelente sierva en la Iglesia Bautista Hispana de Los Ángeles.
Culto Memorial
Fecha: Viernes 16 de noviembre
Hora : 7:00 PM
Lugar: Iglesia Bautista Hispana de Los Angeles
1700 Toberman Street, Los Ángeles CA 90015
Fecha: Sábado 17 de noviembre
Hora 10:30 AM
Rose Hills Memorial Park Cemetery
3888 Workman Mill Rd, Whittier, CA 90601

Vahac Mardirosian
Vahac nació en Aleppo, Siria el 22 de octubre de 1924 cuando su familia huyó de la persecución de los turcos en Armenia. Con la intención de ir a los Estados Unidos, la familia se estableció en el norte de Baja California, Mexico. Vahac concluyó su educación hasta la secundaria en Tijuana y continuó su preparación ministerial hasta su graduación con su esposa Eunice Barocio Mardirosián en 1946 en el Seminario Bautista Hispanoamericano de Los Angeles.
Pastoreó iglesias bautistas hispanas en el medio oeste de Estados Unidos y en el Sur de California hasta que fue nombrado ministro hispano de American Baptist Churches of the Pacific Southwest. El Rev. Mardirosian fue un participante activo en los ministerios de nuestra Convención. Llegó a ser su presidente en 1958-1959 y en 1984-1986.
Fue el fundador del Centro Urbano, una institución que entrenó a maestros del Distrito Escolar Unido de Los Angeles en maneras de tratar con dignidad a escolares hispanos. Vahac fue consejero de uno de los superintendentes del distrito escolar. También trató de ser parte de la Junta de Educación de Los Angeles pero su apellido que no sonaba muy hispano le negó su elección.
Continuó su elevado interés en la educación pública de los hispanos fundando un instituto de padres de familias hispanos para interesarlos en participar en los programas de las escuelas de sus hijos junto a sus maestros y administradores. El alcance de este instituto se extendió en el estado de California.
Vahac Mardirosián falleció el 17 de agosto de este año en Carlsbad, California. Le sobreviven su esposa Eunice, sus hijas Grace Arbon y Junie García y sus familias.
La comunidad hispana a la que sirvió durante gran parte de su vida tendrá un evento que hará memoria de su vida en la Casa de Cultura y Arte a las 6 pm. del viernes 12 de octubre en 501 N. Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012.
Jorge A. Piérola

Reverendo Cesar Mascareñas
Nuestras oraciones y simpatía cristiana son con la familia del Reverendo Cesar Mascareñas; quien el día 12 de junio, 2016, paso a la presencia del Señor.
Culto memorial: Sábado 25 de junio, 4:00 pm, First Baptist Church of Alhambra,101 S Atlantic Blvd, Alhambra, CA 91801
Debora Aguilera Bonilla
El dia de hoy (4/26/2016) fallecio Debora Aguilera Bonilla, madre de nuestra hermana Xiomara Blanco. Nuestras oraciones y simpatia cristiana sean con toda la familia.
Servicio memorial: Jueves 12 de mayo a las 7:00 pm
Funeral: Viernes 13 de mayo a las 11:00 am
Green Acres Memorial Park
11715 Cedars Ave., Bloomington, CA 92316

pastor Manuel Ruiz
Nuestras oraciones y simpatía cristiana son con la familia Ruiz; el dia 30 de diciembre, 2015, paso a la presencia del Señor el pastor Manuel Ruiz.
Culto memorial: Lunes 4 de enero, 7:00 pm, Primera Iglesia Bautista de Pacoima, 13131 Mercer St., Pacoima, CA 91331
Funeral: Martes 5 de enero, 10:00 am, Glen Heaven Cemetery

Rev. Emilio Galindo
El Rev. Emilio Galindo, quien fue pastor de la Iglesia Bautista Hispana de Los Angeles y de la Iglesia Bautista Hispana de Santa Ana, paso a la presencia de Dios el día hoy, martes 30 de diciembre a las 9:35 pm. Oramos para que Dios llene de fortaleza a su familia. Que el Señor fortalezca a hna. Miriam Galindo (su esposa) y sus tres hijos. El Rev. Emilio Galindo fue nuestro pastor a principios de los 80s. Excelente pastor, amigo, mentor y maestro de la Palabra de Dios.
Pastores Valiente.

Hna. Debora Valdes
Nuestras oraciones y simpatía cristiana son con la familia Valdes; el dia 20 de julio, 2014, paso a la presencia del Señor nuestra querida Hna. Debora Valdes, esposa del Rev. Yldefonso Valdes.
Lunes 28 de julio
10:00 am
Inglewood Cemetery
720 E Florence Ave, Inglewood, CA 90302

Hna. Liboria Arvelo
Nuestras oraciones y simpatia cristiana son con el pastor Osvaldo Arvelo y su apreciable familia.

Elena Candida Avila
Hna. Faustina“Tina” Vital
Faustina Vital (her full name) came to the U.S. in 1972 to attend Latin American Bible Institute, La Puente, California (an Assemblies of God school). The Sociedad Femenil of the La Habra church somehow met her and decided to sponsor her as their scholarship candidate. They helped her with her schooling all thru the program. In gratitude, she became a Baptist, and joined Iglesia Bautista La Habra, when Rev. Dr. José Arreguín was the pastor. There she served for all the years she lived in La Habra. She was a faithful, hard working member, who would sometimes stay at church, working on projects, or decorating until 1 a.m. Hna. Vital served as deaconess, Sunday School teacher, trustee, missions, evangelism, and ornato committees. She was very artistic, and her help was invaluable, in all the areas she served in. We are very sorry for this great loss to our congregation.
Pastora Susan Hernández,
Iglesia Bautista La Habra

Rev. Dr. José Arreguín
was called Home on Friday, February 3, 2012.
Memorial Service
Date / Time: February, Friday the 17th 2012, 7:30 pm.
Place: Wilshire Ave. Community Church (formerly known as First Baptist Church of Fullerton).
Address: 212 East Wilshire Ave., Fullerton, CA 92832).
Officiating Pastor: Rev. Roberto Porras Maynes

Rev. Lenny Ballesteros
VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 10/11/11)-Rev. Leonard Ballesteros, 84, of DeLand, Forida, passed away on October 5, 2011. Ballesteros served as a field representative with The Ministers & Missionaries Benefit Board (MMBB) of American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA) until his retirement in 1999. He continued as an area minister and consultant, did mission work in Chile and was widely considered a “Pastor to the Pastors”, especially throughout the Hispanic church community. In recent years one of the General Secretary’s Circles was named in his honor in acknowledgement of his leadership.
“Lenny was a committed and persistent advocate for the pastors and families he served,” said Sumner M. Grant, executive director of MMBB. “He embodied MMBB’s core values of generosity, justice and passion for those not yet privileged to share in the benefits we offer. Lenny will be long remembered for his pastoral heart and gentle spirit.”
Rev. A. Roy Medley, general secretary of ABCUSA, said, “Lenny will always be remembered for his kindness, his love of people, and his love of baseball. He had the capability of entering a room full of strangers but leaving it a room full of friends. He was a wonderful friend to so many of us. We will miss him.”
Ballesteros was born in East Los Angeles, CA, on May 23, 1927 and came to DeLand, Florida from Ridgewood, New Jersey in 2004. He served in the Navy during World War II and was ordained as a minister in 1958, taking the pulpit at North Baptist Church of Jersey City (NJ) until 1972.
A member of First Baptist Church of DeLand, Ballesteros served as a member of the mission committee. He loved sports, especially the NY Mets, NY Jets and Stetson University Baseball. He also enjoyed reading, traveling and photography. He loved people and loved caring for them, which was evident in the opening of his home to terminally ill children.
Funeral services were held on Monday, October 10 at First Baptist Church of DeLand. Interment followed at DeLand Memorial Gardens, along with a celebration of his life in the Family Life Center of the church.
Memorial donations may be made to the First Baptist Church of DeLand Benevolent Fund, Give Kids the World Village of Kissimmee or Stetson University Baseball.
hna. Alvina Cisneros
El pasado día 23 de Agosto 2011, la Hna. Alvina Cisneros de la Primera Iglesia Bautista de Harbor City, CA, (viuda del Rev. Jaime Cisneros) paso a la presencia del Señor. A continuación, comparto la información de los servicios fúnebres:
Servicio Memorial (sin el cuerpo presente) jueves 1 de Septiembre, 3:00 pm en la Iglesia Bautista de Harbor City. Ese mismo día, de 5 a 9 p.m. sera la velacion en la capilla del Cementerio Green Hills, de Palos Verdes, CA.
Funeral Viernes 2 de septiembre, a las 11 A.M.en el Green Hills Memorial Park; Western Avenue, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275; 1-800-597-7331

Rev. Sylvester Acevedo
Falleció en la tarde del domingo 27 de marzo, 2011. El Reverendo Acevedo fue, por muchos años, Director del Centro Bautista de Servicio Social. Servicio memorial y funeral sábado 2 de abril a las 3:00 p.m.
Rose Hills Memorial Park, 3888 Workman Mill Road,Whittier, CA 90601
Sylvester Terrazas Acevedo was born December 31, 1918 in Bowie, AZ as his family was relocating from El Paso, TX to Los Angeles. He attended local schools in L.A. and graduated from Polytechnic High School in 1938. Acevedo served in the U.S. Army (Reconnaissance, 7th Division) from 1942 until 1943 when he received a medical discharge after contracting pneumonia and the Army discovering he was deaf.
Sylvester went on to receive degrees from the University of Southern California – 1956, the Spanish-American Baptist Seminary of Los Angeles – 1952, Berkeley Baptist Divinity School –1955. He later obtained two masters degrees from the American Baptist Seminary of the West, Covina 1976 and Berkeley – 1979.
In 1960, he had been preaching at the Belvedere Park Baptist Church in Los Angeles when he decided to move his wife and three young children to Brawley in order to preach at the First Mexican Baptist Church. Concurrent to his church work, Acevedo served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Brawley School District from 1967 to 1979. Sylvester also served on a variety of local, state, and national boards and committees with the American Baptist Churches.
In 1980, he found what he called “a dream job” when he became a teacher at Calipatria High School in Calipatria, CA where he taught for three years.
Upon returning to Los Ángeles in 1985, he became the Executive Director of the Baptist Social Service Center, a position he held until his retirement in 1987.
Sylvester had been living in Alhambra, California at Atherton Baptist Homes for the past 10 years. He was preceded in death by his wife, Cassie, who died in 2005.
He is survived by his three children Sylvia Acevedo of Hacienda Heights, Rosalie Westrup of Bellflower, and Ray of San Diego, four grandchildren, and a great-grandchild due any day now.

Elizabeth Mascareñas
From Dee Dee Mascareñas:
Just wanted to let you all know that my mother went to be with the Lord tonight (1/10/2011) at about 9:45 PM. I was with her most of the day and it was very painful to watch as she struggled for hours with discomfort and pain, but finally she lapsed into a coma and went peacefully. My father and my cousin were with me when she passed and I’m so grateful that she was not alone and we sent her into God’s loving arms with all our love and well wishes. I will be in contact with you regarding arrangements once we know the details. Thank you for your support and prayers.
God bless you all.
Servicio Memorial Sábado 15 de enero,11 am,First Baptist Church of Alhambra. 101 S Atlantic Blvd, Alhambra, CA 91801

Iris Morales
VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 7/29/10)—It is with a heavy heart that International Ministries announces the passing of beloved missionary Rosa Iris Morales on Wednesday, July 28, 2010. Iris courageously battled cancer since 2007 and died peacefully surrounded by family and friends in a hospital in Houston Texas. Iris will be deeply missed by her husband, Mario, and their two sons, Seth Benjamin, age 17, and Mario Joshua, age 20, as well as by IM missionaries, IM staff and her friends and colleagues in Bolivia.
A native of El Salvador, Iris came to the U.S. in high school to escape the political instability of her home country. She met Mario a few years later and they married in 1985. She said, “As I go back in my memory through the years we have worked in South California, I realize that I have already been a local missionary.” Iris spent several years teaching and was recognized as “Teacher of the Year” in 1998 by the Parent Institute for Quality Education in California. A colleague noted Iris’ sense of humor – an important quality when working with children.
Iris and Mario were commissioned as American Baptist International Ministries missionaries to Bolivia in 1999. They served God at the Baptist Seminary of Cochabamba where Iris taught classes in Psychology. Together, Mario and Iris trained future Bolivian leaders by enabling these young believers to discover God’s will for their lives and ministry, as well as for the churches and society of Bolivia.
Rev. Hermenegildo Salinas
Rev. Hermenegildo Salinas passed away peacefully Saturday, December 18, 2010 at 3:20 a.m. He was 89 years old.
He served as Pastor at Primera Iglesia Bautista “El Salvador” when it was located in Los Angeles (later moved to Alhambra) California, Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana – Santa Ana, California, Primera Iglesia Bautista – Monterrey, Mexico and Primera Iglesia Bautista – Southmost, Brownsville, TX. He also taught at the Seminario Bautista Teológico Mexicano in México. Iglesia Bautista “El Calvario” was his very last Church where he assisted in Brownsville, TX. Rev. & Mrs. Salinas were active members.
Two Memorial Services were held on Sunday, December 19th at Primera Iglesia Southmost, Brownsville, TX where several Pastors officiated, including Rev. Cuauhtemoc de la Garza (SABS graduate). A final funeral service was held on Monday, December 20, 2010 at 9:20 a.m.
If you would like to mail a sympathy card to la Hna. Salinas, here is the address:
Hna. Lucila Westrup Salinas, 1900 University Blvd., #3D, Brownsville, TX 78520, (956) 466-6620

Rev. Ruth Morales
VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 8/27/10)—Rev. Ruth Morales, former associate minister and active member at First Baptist Church of Los Angeles, passed away on Wednesday, August 25, 2010. She was surrounded by family and friends.
Ruth served as an associate minister at the First Baptist Church in Los Angeles for many years and in many capacities. After her “retirement” from the position of associate minister, she continued in ministry, coordinating Ebenezer, the Latino Fellowship at the church, and helping out in a number of ways including visiting, calling and pastoring church members.
“Ruth was a wonderful and influential leader in ABC life. We are grateful for the way God used her to his glory, and we rejoice that he has now received her into the fullness of his kingdom,” said general secretary Roy Medley.
She served in various American Baptist leadership roles, including on the boards of the Christian Community Credit Union, the American Baptist Theological Center at Fuller Seminary, and the American Baptist Churches of Los Angeles. She was also active for many years in the American Baptist Women’s Ministries (ABWM). She was a regular attendee of the American Baptist Biennial, as well as Women’s Day events held by ABWM preceding the Biennial.
Virginia Holmstrom, executive director of American Baptist Women’s Ministries, said, “Ruth Morales provided national leadership to American Baptist Women’s Ministries in 1987-90 as chairwoman of Spiritual Growth and Family Life. I especially appreciated her unceasing advocacy for resources for persons whose first language is Spanish. Through the years she continued to support women’s and girls’ ministries at all levels. American Baptist women will miss her greatly.”
“We at First Baptist are all still reeling from this great loss, but know that Ruth is now at peace with her Lord. Please continue to remember her family, and particularly her sons Alex and David, in your thoughts and prayers,” said Sandra Rogers, First Baptist Church of Los Angeles.
A memorial service for Ruth Morales is scheduled for Sunday, September 5 at 12:30 p.m. First Baptist Church of Los Angeles, 760 S. Westmoreland Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90005.

Rev. Dr. Joseph Juarez
Rev. Dr. Joseph “José” S. Juárez went home to be with the Lord on Friday, May 21, 2010, at the age of 91. José was born in Thurber, Texas, and together, he and his wife, Delfina, raised six (6) children.
Pastor Juárez completed his undergraduate work at Northwest graduating with a B.S. in Theology in 1945; and received his M. Div. and his D.Min. from the American Baptist Seminary of the West. He was ordained by the General Council Assemblies of God in 1951, and in 1961 the American Baptist Home Mission Society recognized his ordination. Dr. Juárez served in several pastorates throughout Arizona and California within the ABCPSW over the many years of his ministry.
Dr. Joseph S. Juárez is survived by his wife, Delfina “Dee” Juárez. A memorial service is planned for Wednesday, May 26, at 4 pm, at the Bobbitt Memorial Chapel, 1299 East Highland Avenue, San Bernardino, California.

Daniel Flores
Hermano Daniel Flores (Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana de Santa Ana) falleció en la tarde del domingo 7 de marzo, 2010. Fue diácono y miembro muy activo tanto en el departamento hispano en Fullerton, como también en Santa Ana. Su esposa, Hna. Jocabed Flores, es muy activa en el ministerio de mujeres en Orange County. El servicio memorial para el Hno. Daniel será el jueves, a las 7 pm en la Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana de Santa Ana.
Servicio memorial
Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana de Santa Ana
1010 W. 17th St., Santa Ana, CA 92706, (714) 953-9539
Nuestras oraciones y simpatia cristiana son con nuestra Hna. Jocabed y su apreciable familia.

Alice Rose Marquez
From Susan Hernandez: This is to inform you of the passing of my cousin, Alice Rose Marquez. She was 80 years old and a member of Cambridge Baptist church of Goleta, and for many years before, a member of Primera Iglesia Bautista – Santa Barbara.
She used to be the secretary of the Board of the Spanish American Baptist Seminary, probably during the 50s or early 60s. Rvda. Ruth Morales may remember the dates. She and Ruth were very good friends. Alice´s uncle, Marcos D. Castillo was the founder of Primera Iglesia Bautista – Garden Grove (now Principe de Paz, Santa Ana), and pastored many Hispanic Baptist Churches in Southern California. Her other uncle, Elias Campos was one of the founders of Primera Iglesia Bautista – Lompoc, and pastored Primera Iglesia Bautista – Bakersfield, as well. She was very active in the
Hispanic Convention, and local churches until ill health stopped her. She had a couple of strokes in recent years and was hospitalized for pneumonia, last night. She died at 12:30 am, today Sunday February 28th
Molly Beltran
Our beloved sister, is now with our Lord Jesus. She was called home on Sunday, Feb 7, 2010. She died of cancer. Molly was a member of Park Vista Baptist Church.
Alisia Proctor, Molly’s sister, is assistant pastor at the Park Vista Baptist Church. She says there will be two memorial services at the Park Vista Baptist Church. Alisia will lead the English service for family and friends on Friday, Feb 19 at 11 am. which will be followed by a reception. You could send condolences to Alisia Proctor and to Molly’s children Olivia Solis, Emily Gordon, and Gilbert Tellez. Please send them in care of:
Rev. Alisia Beltran Proctor, 1635 South Banna Avenue, Glendora, CA 91740
Hna. Delia V. Perez remembers…
“I knew Molly and Alisia when my family lived in East Los Angeles for many years. The Beltran family owned a Panaderia just a few blocks away. We attended the Women’s Associations and the annual meetings of the Hispanic Conventions. So sorry about Molly’s passing.”
James (Jim) Macías
Eunice Mardirosian informs us of the following:
January 20, 2009
“I regret to inform you that our friend and brother in Christ James (Jim) Macías returned to our Maker at 9:20 this morning. Jim graduated from our Alma Mater in 1948. He had expressed to his daughters and sonthat he wanted to join Dale, his wife, in heaven.”
Condolences may be sent to:
Jim Macias Family, 519 West Taylor Street, Space 413, Santa Maria, California 93458

Eulises Figueras
Eulises Juan Figueras died on April 3, 2008.
He was born in 1927, Victoria de las Tunas, Cuba. He was raised in the city of Marianao in the province of Havana. His parents were Juan Figueras Gutierrez of Songo, Cuba and Evangelina Martinez Diaz of Madrid, Spain. He was the great-grandchild of Presbyterian missionaries in Africa. His mother was a teacher and served as her church pianist until the day she was called to the Lord’s presence. She raised four children: Elsa, Electo, Eulises, and Georgina.
He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree from the Instituto de Marianao. He studied Electrical Engineering in the University of Havana. He was married to Mary Borges on May 7, 1959 in the Evangelical League Church in Larrazabal district in Marianao, Cuba. They Lived in the San Agustin district. He worked in two of the largest electrical plants in Cuba, Tallapiedra and Regla. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church of Salud Street in Havana.
He disagreed with Fidel Castro’s government, and was forced into hiding during the Bay of Pigs Invasion. He stayed hidden for several months at the home of Mary’s aunt in Manacas, Santa Clara, Cuba. He left Cuba in 1961. Later in 1962, he was reunited with his wife and two sons in Miami, Florida. He worked in agriculture for a while, then left to San Juan, Puerto Rico to look for a better life for his family. Although they had very little, they opened their home to two adolescent Cubans who were part of the Peter Pan Program. They were sponsored by the First Baptist Church of Alhambra to relocate to California.
In 1965, they accepted the Lord’s calling to form a Spanish-speaking department in the First Baptist Church of Alhambra which later, became the Hispanic Baptist Church of Christ in El Monte, California. They jointly served the church members and the Hispanic Baptist Churches Convention. Eulises was always very active in the Lord’s work. He was the church treasurer for 19 years. He served as a deacon, Jr. High youth group teacher, home fellowship coordinator, and faithfully distributed the Upper Room devotional guide to the congregation. He was a co-laborer with Mary in the Baptist Social Service Center. He gave rides to anyone who needed a lift to church, and he made every effort to visit the sick and the elderly.
Eulises began working at Southern California Edison in 1969. He retired from SCE as a design engineer. He was proud to be a part of the enginnering teams that designed power plants, including the nuclear power plant in San Onofre, California.
He worked with Alpha-66 and the Junta Patriotica Cubana to help Cubans fleeing on Freedom Flights and El Mariel boat lifts. He gave to Cuban pastors, churches in Cuba and in other parts of Latin America, and our family still living in Cuba.
Eulises left a great spiritual inheritance to his children: Eulises, Eduardo, Eli, Eunice, and Elizabeth, to his grandchildren: Lorenzo, Megan, Natashia, Tatiana, Stefano, Olivia, Vanessa, and Anthony, and to his great-grandchild Caleb.